Sunday, January 1, 2012

Snow White Characters

This is about the fairytale we all know and love

Snow White

Snow White was born a princess in a royal family. Before her birth her mother who was queen, wished that her beloved child would have hair black as coal, skin white as snow, and lips red as a rose. The baby girl was born and named Snow White. She had coal black hair, lips rose red, and white skin. Sadly Snow White's kind mother, died in childbirth. The king, Snow White's father remarried a year later. Snow White's stepmother was not kind she owned a magic mirror that if it told her she wasn't the fairest she would kill anyone. When Snow White's father died, The evil queen took control and tried to kill her stepdaughter. But the huntsman spared Snow White and killed a pig took it's heart out and gave it to the queen.

Snow White found her way into the Dwarves cottage. She grew up there! Meanwhile Snow White's stepmother learned that she was still alive. After trying to kill Snow White two times One by a comb the other by lace. The third she suceeded with a poisoned apple. Unfortunally the spell was broken by a prince who found Snow White. They married. As for the stepmother she was given a pair of hot iron shoes and forced to dance the night through

The Evil Queen

Not much is known about her early life, She married the king and was Snow White's stepmother till her death, After Snow White's mother died,  She married Snow White's father to gain the throne. When the king died,  The evil queen took the throne and ruled the kingdom cruely. This queen tried to kill her stepdaughter, But the huntsman decived her and brought a pig's heart to her. When she found out Snow White  was alive and living with seven dwarves

The queen made three attempts to kill her stepdaughter first a comb, then a lace, and then the apple. When Snow White bit into the apple, She fell into a deep sleep. The queen went home satisfied. After
Snow White awoke from true love's kiss, She found out from her mirror that Snow White was married. The evil queen was killed by dancing on hot iron shoes.


Snow White's wise father who along with his first wife took splendely care of their kingdom. When their baby daughter was born, They decided to call the child Snow White. Sadly his wife died after the child was born. The king remarried, The new queen although beautiful was cold and cruel. Shortly afterwards the king died (The queen poisoned him) He left his kingdom under the wrath of the new queen. The queen would try to kill his daughter later on

Snow White's Mother

She was Snow White's mother A very loving queen who married the king out of love. It was one winter day that the queen was sewing, She pricked her finger and wished for a child with skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as coal. A year afterwards a baby girl was born with skin like snow, hair as black as coal and lips red as blood.  They named her Snow White. Sadly the queen died in childbirth, The king moaned over his wife and a year afterwards he remarried. The beloved queen left her kingdom in the wrath of the new queen.

Seven Dwarves

Seven little men who took in Snow White. They raised her in their cottage,


He married Snow White and lived happily ever after


He was ordered to kill Snow White but he spared her and brought the queen a pig's heart (In other stories it was a stag's heart) It is unknown whether he lived or not


The queen's magic mirror who declared Snow White was the fairest of all.