Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pets I want to own that are exotic or cool

                                            Exotic Pets

1.) Anole Lizard

Description: They are easy to care for and require a 10 to 20 gallon tank with lots of plants and hiding places

2.) Hermit Crabs

Description: Hermit Crabs are pretty difficult to care for as they require fresh food and humidity. They also need medium temperature

3.) Goldfish Pond

Goldfish are easy

4.) Tarantula

they're easy and cool

5.) Parrots

Parrots are cool

6.) Parakeets

Parakeets are cool

7.) Canaries

Canaries are easy and cute

8.) Hamsters

I own a hamster and he is the sweetest hamster in the world

9.) Mice

My cousin used to own a mice and they were super sweet and nice

10.) Corn Snake

Corn snakes make great pets for beginners

11.) Turtles

Turtles are great pets if you want to own a cool pet