Friday, June 16, 2017

Adopting Vs Buying Guinea Pigs

 Ordinary I never post things like this but it was not too long ago I stumbled across a blog that encouraged people to adopt guinea pigs instead of buying them. I agree 100% on the articles point of view but I encourage people to make their own decisions on where they purchase their pets

Please keep in mind all below are just my opinions, and I felt of dispelling some harmful myths of the pet store buying vs adopting

1.) Pet stores are bad, employees don't know much and they abuse animals. This is probably 98% true to most cases however keep in mind not all pet stores are abusive neglecting places. I've been to some fabulous pet stores including Petsmarts and Petcos where the employees or workers are knowledgeable about their animals and they are taken care of. I've also been to some awful pet stores  most mom and pop that the animals looked neglected.

2.) Boycott all pet stores, if you don't buy from them they will go out of business. Yeah right, first off chain pet stores aren't going anywhere, neither are mom and pop pet stores, There will always be people who buy animals from pet stores.

3.) Pet stores such as chain stores get their animals from mills, that is true, to be fair though I don't think we should bash pet stores for getting their animals from mills. Don't get me wrong mills of any kind of animal are horrific, but blame the corporations, they are the ones who only care about money or profits.

4.) Adopting is the only option, While i admire the #AdoptDon'tShop# hashtag and I agree adoption is great to give guinea pigs or any animal a home, I really think people should try to adopt first and if you can't purchasing a guinea pig from a pet store is ok too. Not everyone has a animal shelter or rescue in their area or wants to drive three hours or more to pick up a pet. I totally understand the point of adopting, animals need homes and there's nothing wrong with that. But a pet store animal needs a home too.

Overall if you are looking into purchasing or adopting a pet, please try to find a rescue or shelter in your area. There are so many animals who need homes and also you could meet your best friend for life there. If you can't and your only option is a pet store then go for it, Animals in pet stores deserve homes as much as the shelter animals. Just make sure to check the animals health before purchasing them.

I'm planning on getting two guinea pigs from Petsmart because I don't have the option of adoption. But no matter where you get your friend,  give them love!