Friday, June 3, 2011

Sparky The Bugaloos Dog

Have you ever wondered whatever happened to the cast of the Bugaloos dog? Here's the answers all in this page

Sparky was a stray cockapoo found by Big John Mcindoe in the Hollywood hills. They gave him a bath and named him Sparky.

 Wayne Laryea and Sparky Caroline Ellis and Sparky

However, Marty Krofft didn't like pets. The mansion the Bugaloos were staying in was a rent. Marty didn't want the dog there. So one day Sparky dissappeared. Big John and the others looked and looked. Maybe they though he would come back but he didn't.

 Big John Mcindoe, Wayne Laryea, Little John Philpott, and Caroline Ellis with Sparky

I guess they thought he ran away. Or worse the dogcatcher caught him. They were saddened that Sparky was gone. Then one day Little John heard from the cook that the dog was given to her. Big John was really mad after that. He wouldn't talk to Marty after that.

Marty lied and lied. He said the dog ran away but he gave it to the cook. and He kept lying

Well I hope every one enjoyed this mystery. It is already solved.

Special thanks to Liz, Sandy, Linda The Other Bugaloos Chat Board Members and John Mcindoe for providing me for the info.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

H.R. Pufnstuf

H.R. Pufnstuf is a television show in the 70's It was created by Sid and Marty Krofft who also created Land Of the Lost Sigmund and the Sea Monsters Lidsville and The Bugaloos. Pufnstuf was a big green dragon who was also mayor of a island called Living Island.

Characters in this series

Jimmy played by Jack Wild -He owned Freddy Flute

Witchiepoo played by Billie Hayes-She tried to get Freddy but failed many times

Freddy Flute voiced by Joan Gerber- He is Jimmy's prized possesion a magic golden talking flute. Witchiepoo always wanted him 

Pufnstuf  played by Van Snowden - mayor of Living Island. tried to help Jimmy find away off the Island