Sunday, December 15, 2013

Perfect Polly Review

Ok, so I'm going to talk about this crazy product called Perfect Polly. Perfect Polly is a plastic mechanical parakeet they sell at CVS, Rite Aid and Wallgreens. The commercial shows a plastic bird in a bird cage. This is a poor excuse to show why people should buy it. It is ten dollars but looks like it could be purchased at a dollar store.

Here's the commercial,

This is pathetic, who the hell whats to buy this? It doesn't even look realistic..

3 reasons why i think people buy this product.

1.) You are lazy and plain stupid to care for a real bird

2.) For your cat

and 3.) Buy this as a white elephant joke gift, Other than the white elephant gift, I cannot understand why some idiot wants to purchase a plastic bird and put it in a bird cage or perch on their finger.

In other words Perfect Polly is only good as a cat or bird companion toy, I bought this for my crazy uncle for Christmas and he actually liked it. When i bought it for my four year old cousin she silently chucked it out the window as if the bird can really fly!!

2/5 is my rating

Friday, December 6, 2013

One More Sleep Till Xmas, Muppets Christmas Carol

Muppet Christmas Carol Song

One more sleep till Christmas

There's magic in the air this evening
Magic in the air
The world is at her best, you know
When people love and care
The promise of excitement is one the night will keep
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas
The world has gotta smile today
The world has gotta glow
There's no such thing as strangers
When a stranger says "Hello"
And everyone is family, we're havin' so much fun
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas'
Tis the season to be jolly and joyous
With a burst of pleasure we feel it all right
It's a season when the Saints can employ us
To spread the news about peace and to keep love alive
There's somethin' in the wind today that's good for everyone
Yes, faith is our hearts today, we're shinin' like the sun
And everyone can feel it, the feelin's runnin' deep
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas day

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Sausage Ghost

WARNING: Although this story is a folktale, it may be too scary for
young children.

The Sausage Ghost
Collected and Adapted by Craig Dominey

If there's one thing New Orleans is famous for besides jazz and gumbo,
it's ghost stories. Why, it's almost a matter of public shame if you
own an old building that doesn't have a ghost or two lurking about. And
the more gruesome the tale, the better.

But this story is one of the most gruesome of them all. And the scary
thing is - some folks say it actually happened.

Back in the 1800s, a young German couple opened a sausage factory in New
Orleans. They were well respected for being hard workers and very
pleasant sort of people. They'd greet everyone with a smile, and
happily called out their regular customers' names as they walked through
the door. On top of that, they made some of the most delicious pork
sausage you ever put in your mouth.

But of course, like a lot of other marriages, there was darkness lurking
behind the public smiles and affection. Behind closed doors, the
husband was getting a bit tired of his wife. In his eyes, all their
hard work had made her old and wrinkled before her time. It wasn't long
before he found a young mistress and eventually fell in love with her.
And he knew he could never have a life with his new lover as long as his
wife was around.

So one night after the shop closed, the man crept up behind his wife as
she swept the floor, wrapped a cord around her neck, and strangled her.
She was a strong woman, and put up quite a fight, but her husband was
stronger. As he pulled the cord tighter and tighter around her throat,
he could feel her body collapse until she finally fell dead onto the
dirty floor.
The husband gazed down at her body and smiled - at last, he thought, I'm

Now if you've ever been to New Orleans, you know it's awfully hard to
conceal a murder down there. Because there's so little land space, all
the houses are built right up against one another. So you become very
aware of what your neighbors are up to.

But the sausage maker had a gruesome plan. With great effort, he lifted
his wife's body off the floor - and stuck her headfirst into the sausage

As the days passed, the man reveled in his happy new life with his
mistress. But he continued to keep their relationship a secret so he
wouldn't raise any suspicion. Whenever customers walked into his shop
and asked where his wife was, he'd say she was ill, or she was visiting
relatives out of town.
Nobody thought twice about it, and life went on as normal.

But shameful secrets have a way of creeping up on people eventually.
And the longer the wife stayed missing, the more the neighbors began to
whisper that something was wrong. The sausage maker's appearance had
become unkempt and haggard, his eyes tired and bloodshot. What's more,
the quality of his meats had deteriorated. Some customers had even bit
into bits of hair and torn fabric in their breakfast sausage.

Late one evening, the sausage man was cleaning the front of the shop,
trying desperately to think of a new excuse for his wife's prolonged
Suddenly, he heard a strange thumping noise coming from the back room.
It sounded to him like somebody was grinding sausages. He ran into the
back - and what he saw next froze him in his tracks.

Climbing out of the sausage vat was his dead wife. Her shop apron was
covered in blood, and her head was horribly mutilated. She walked
slowly toward her husband, arms outstretched, her agonizing moans
filling the room.

The sausage maker ran out into the street in a panic, screaming loudly.
One by one, his neighbors rushed out of their homes and asked what was
wrong. Gathering himself, he claimed to have had a bad dream, and
thanked them for their concern.

Night after night, the hauntings continued, and the neighbors became
more and more suspicious. Dark rumors spread that the man had murdered
his wife 

- but where was her body? The answer came one day when a customer bit
into a piece of a gold wedding ring in her sausage. She informed the
police, who raided the sausage factory that evening.

As they busted into the back room, they found the sausage maker huddled
in a corner, screaming uncontrollably like a maniac. He pointed a
shaking finger at the sausage grinder and cried out that his wife was
coming to get him. The police grabbed him and promptly locked him up in
the nearest insane asylum.

But the asylum provided no safe haven for the sausage man. He screamed
day and night that his wife's ghost had entered the room, and was coming
to get him. He eventually had a complete mental breakdown, and
committed suicide.

During the time the sausage maker was locked up, the factory was sold to
another man, who claimed the ghost of the sausage maker's wife continued
to haunt the building. Immediately after her husband's suicide, the
hauntings stopped, and the ghost was never seen again.

Nowadays, you might find a longtime New Orleans resident whose ancestor
was one of the unlucky ones who ate the tainted sausage that year.
Needless to say, that's one of those deep, dark secrets that's probably
best taken to the grave.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Carnival Games For Festivals/Carnivals

My top ten list of Carnival games that are fun

10.) The ring soda toss game- This game is very tricky however, there is a cheat code. Go up closer to the front where the sodas are and toss gently, It make take forever but trust me i've done it for millions of years, toss the ring aiming at a soda bottle the ring will land on the bottle, Your prize is a soda bottle or in most cases a stuffed animal

9.) Milkbottle toss- It's pretty easy, aim the softballs at the bottom milk bottles. It will knock all the pins and you should win a prize. Prizes are stuffed animals and or a ticket

8.) lollipop game- This game is also easy, You pull out a lollipop from a cardboard cutout stand, You look underneath the lollipop if it has a color underneath such as blue/black etc you win. Prize if you win is a giant lollipop or tickets. Prize if you loose is a lollipop

7.) Dime toss- This fun game consists of you throwing dimes into plates, cups, glasses etc. Once you land the dime into the silverware you win that bowl/cup. Prize is either a ticket or glassware

6.) Balloon dart throw- The object of this game is throw darts directly at the balloons. Once you've thrown it at the balloons it pops and then you win. Prize is a ticket or stuffed animal

5.) Goldfish Toss- This game is very fun, The object of the game is to toss a pingpong ball into a small fish bowl. Once you toss the ball into the bowl you win a live goldfish. Prizes are either a live goldfish or some versions give out hermit crabs, and or stuffed animals

4.) Duck Pond- This is easy also, the object of the game is to try and find the duck with the number/marking Once you do it you win a prize a ticket/ toy

3.)  Dunk Tank- These are fun, you aim a ball at the target and then the trap door opens causing the person to fall in water or a shower turns on. You win a prize such as a badge/ ticket

2.) Spin a sweet/plant/toy- this is fun, too You pick a number and spin the spinning wheel once. Then you wait till it stops, If it stops on your number you win a dessert/plant/toy. Prize is a item like a plant or dessert

And Finally.......

1.) Miniature Golf, The object of the game is to try and get all 8/12 holes and win. Prize is a ticket or a stuffed animal

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf Review

Now that i bought Animal Crossing New Leaf i an reviewing it now!

Here are some plus,

New Fish
New Bugs
The Island returns
New Fruit
Customizing your town and house
Holidays new and returning

Other pluses i might add are, choosing your space for your house, You are the mayor and get to pick the tow ordiance and public work projects

My first day in town was very interesting, I was greeted by some happy villagers and a secretary called Isabelle and then later planted the town tree.

However, Isabelle told me i should get a house before i could become mayor. so i went to Rip off Tom Nook that stupid raccoon and payed a down payment of 10,000 bells to get a house

I couldn't go on the island as i have to pay my first mortgage, i'll pay that tomorrow. The game concept is the same except.. the mayor part

I wish you could build your house next to the ocean but Nook wouldn't let me, Oh well..

Tomorrow i'll post snapshots

till then i give this game
