Sunday, December 15, 2013

Perfect Polly Review

Ok, so I'm going to talk about this crazy product called Perfect Polly. Perfect Polly is a plastic mechanical parakeet they sell at CVS, Rite Aid and Wallgreens. The commercial shows a plastic bird in a bird cage. This is a poor excuse to show why people should buy it. It is ten dollars but looks like it could be purchased at a dollar store.

Here's the commercial,

This is pathetic, who the hell whats to buy this? It doesn't even look realistic..

3 reasons why i think people buy this product.

1.) You are lazy and plain stupid to care for a real bird

2.) For your cat

and 3.) Buy this as a white elephant joke gift, Other than the white elephant gift, I cannot understand why some idiot wants to purchase a plastic bird and put it in a bird cage or perch on their finger.

In other words Perfect Polly is only good as a cat or bird companion toy, I bought this for my crazy uncle for Christmas and he actually liked it. When i bought it for my four year old cousin she silently chucked it out the window as if the bird can really fly!!

2/5 is my rating

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