Saturday, May 3, 2014


                  Charlotte's Web 1973 Review

Violence- None

Frighting Scenes- A ram tells Wilbur he is going to die, Baby Wilbur about to be killed with an axe, The goose telling Templeton he will die if Wilbur die's. A pig being shoved into a crate

Plot: The movie begins in springtime when John Arable's sow gives birth to a litter of eleven piglets, John discovers there is a runt and decides to kill it to put it out of it's misery. Fern Arable meanwhile finds out what her father intends to do with the runt pig. She pleads on sparing the piglet's life and John agrees and he allows Fern to keep the piglet as a pet.  Fern names the pig Wilbur

Six weeks later John convinces his daughter to sell Wilbur because Wilbur's brothers and sisters were already sold and Wilbur is no longer a baby pig. Fern says goodbye as the young pig is sold across the road to Fern's uncle Zuckerman. Wilbur finds out from a ram he is about to be bacon. He meets a spider named Charlotte who saves him from death

Charlotte dies and although, Wilbur misses her but is happy with her 3 daughters Joy Ariena and Nellie.

Review: Charlotte's Web is a good movie for children and I highly recommend it, The beginning with Fern is exactly like the book and although the cartoon is just like the movie from 2006 I really recommend it.

Great review

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