Sunday, April 12, 2015


I have new pets and I would like to introduce them to everyone

First off are my hermit crabs, I won 2 at a zucchini festival and bought two from Petco. One is named Mr Krabs the other is Kermit The Hermit. I named the other 2 hermit crabs Mr Pibb and Sparky. Sparky is the shyest of the bunch. They live in a ten gallon tank my cousin gave me on my dresser. I feed them, clean their bedding and wash their dishes

Another of my pets are turtles, I bought these at a chinatown street festival. Ok i was suckered into buying these two baby sliders by a vendor for 10.00. The tank they came with was too small and inadequate for housing so I transferred them to a turtle 22 gallon tank for now. When they are big enough Im keeping them in a plastic kiddie pool. I named one Old Dan and the other one Little Ann after the coonhound dogs from the book Where The Red Fern Grows

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