Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In Pringles Olivia moves out and a new neighbor Rhoda moves in

I hadn't played Animal Crossing the Gamecube for like 6 days. I logged on almost a week ago last week and got a letter from my neighbor Olivia. Olivia said farewell, and she would never forget me. Rhonda moved in on Wednesday, so I talked to her for a bit before I surveyed the town.

I noticed it snowed in Pringles and the ground is covered with white snow. The trees also have snow in them. Another thing I noticed about the trees is most of them that aren't fruit trees have Christmas lights on them. Toy Day is less than a week now and Sunday will be Christmas Eve. Jingle is supposed to come on Christmas Eve and you have to find him five times before he gives you an item. After you find Jingle five times, you have to change your shirt before you find him again to receive the Jingle furniture items.

I've already bought all the shirts I can for Jingle's night. They are all in my basement. I will be playing Animal Crossing on December 23, and 24th Christmas Eve

I'm excited

Friday, December 15, 2017

Rankin Bass Christmas Special: Nestor the Long Eared Christmas Donkey

I'm going to continue reviewing Rankin Bass's Christmas Specials on my Blog for the period of December, Besides blogging about my Animal Crossing towns.

Today's review, Nestor the Long eared Christmas Donkey. I do realize some people find this special depressing as hell, but I'm going to review it anyways. This is frequently airing on Freeform, formally known as ABC Family.

The special starts out with Santa Claus at the North Pole leaving with his reindeer to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. We are then introduced to our Narrator voiced by Roger Miller a donkey named Spiletoe who then talks about his ancestor Nestor the donkey who helped Mary and Joesph out during that First Christmas.

Nestor was a donkey who was born with long ears, much like similarly Rudolph was a reindeer born with a red nose. The other donkeys on the donkey farm as well as the other farm animals made fun of Nestor and his long ears. Even the donkey owner Olaf was a jerk and mocked him for being born different. The only person who truly cared for Nestor and was kind to him was his mother.

One night during a blizzard, some roman soldiers arrive at the Donkey Farm and purchase all the young donkeys including Nestor, that is until one of the soldiers notices Nestor's long ears and takes the rest of the donkeys for free leaving Olaf without money and with Nestor. Angry over loosing a sale Olaf cruelly tosses Nestor out into the snow and Nestor's mother's instincts kick in where she leaves her warm stall to search for her son. Nestor and his mother wander thru the blizzard where Nestor's mom digs a hole and Nestor lays in it with his mother covering him with her warm body. Tragically Nestor's mother dies that night.

The next morning the storm has ended and we see Nestor grieving over his mother's death. Her body is buried in a snowbank. Nestor is left alone and survives the winter by wandering thru the forest until he meets a cherub named Tilly. Tilly explains Nestor has a purpose and it will save a life, like his own mother sacrificed hers. They spend the spring, summer and autumn traveling to a place called Bethlehem. Nestor and Tilly arrive at a donkey seller's camp out in the desert with Tilly's instructions that he must wait here until he is ready. Nestor spends the remaining months being bullied by the other animals and mocked by them.

Then one night Mary and Joesph arrive at the animal farm in search of a donkey as Mary is expecting a baby that will take them to Bethlehem. The donkey seller tries to sell Nestor for a large sum of money, but after seeing pregnant Mary and receiving an unknown force the donkey dealer offers Nestor for free so they set out with Nestor guiding them and following a star.

Mary Joesph and Nestor get caught in a sandstorm and Nestor uses his large ears to hear the voice of the angels which successfully guides the donkey to Bethlehem. They arrive and Nestor takes Mary and Joesph to a stable where Jesus is later born. Nestor leaves the holy family and returns to his donkey farm where he is embraced by Olaf and the other animals.

The movie ends with Nestor saying Merry Christmas.

This special is very sad, especially with the part of Nestor's mother dying. I cried seeing it on television. Still it's a nice special that tells you God made you for a purpose. 7/10 stars

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Update in Pringles, Sandy moved away Coco moves in

Today was the raffle so I logged on just for that, Sandy sent me a farewell letter no gift of course and said she was leaving because she wanted to travel more. I pulled weeds and talked to my neighbors. Hank is all ecstatic for Christmas.

I noticed a new neighbor moved into my village, Coco. Coco is a creepy looking bunny. I used up my raffle tickets in the raffle and won a Tennis NES game and a Dracula plant.

I like the raffle because everything is rare to get. You have to buy items at Tom Nook's store and get raffle tickets.

I noticed the grass is browner in the GC game and everything looks dead for winter, well except the fruit trees. But the trees leaves look brown and dull.

Tomorrow is the first of December, which in Animal Crossing is Snow Day.

Since December will be upon us tomorrow. I will be stocking up shirts from Dec 1 - Dec 24 for Jingle. Toy day is 25 days away

Friday, November 24, 2017

Sale Day in Pringles Animal Crossing

Today was Sale Day which is pretty much Black Friday in Animal Crossing on the fourth Friday of November. I visited Nook's this morning and bought all the goodie bags. In each goodie bag (which depends on the price of what year it is) there are three items, the items are random but they could be clothes, furniture, pinwheels, wallpaper and carpets. I got five pinwheels and the majority of items were clothes furniture wallpapers and carpets.

Crazy Redd made an appearance in my town tonight, I purchased all three items then left the acre. However instead of moving to a different acre it remained in the same position with Red out front. There is a glitch on Sale Day where if you buy all three items from Redd he will close his tent, then if you move a bit farther from his tent, it will vanish and reappear at a different spot with Redd not standing by his tent. He will be elsewhere. When you do find him you talk to him and he will vanish into a sign.

Anyways my third try succeeded in getting the glitch, however I couldn't find Redd anywhere. I ended my day in Pringles. I spent a lot of money today.

I'll play Saturday and get K.K. Slider's song, Sunday is the Fishing Tourney so I will be playing that.

December will be here before we all know it, the next event is Snow Day, followed by Toy Day on December 23. I will be writing throughout the month of December.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Today was Thanksgiving in Animal Crossing and since I was going to eat over at my aunt and uncle's place today I had to forward the time earlier than I anticipated to play.

In Animal Crossing Thanksgiving is the Harvest Festival and the object to get the Harvest Furniture is to find Franklin a turkey.

I really like the Harvest Festival in the GC version. The animals are gathered at tables and are drinking and having a great time. The tables are filled with food. One of the animals stands guard at the table where the forks and knives are kept, this year it was Hank who guards the table with the forks and knives. In City Folk they changed it so there are tables but they are empty with just the mayor standing guard. Also you have to give forks and knives to the villagers to get info on Franklin's whereabouts. New Leaf changed this so Franklin instead is now the chef. In the GC you didn't have to do that all you had to do was talk to villagers and their hints were what acre Franklin was at.

Franklin is pretty much in trouble, In Animal Crossing Gamecube and City Folk the mayor sends him a letter, however it's not to be the guest at dinner it's being dinner. The job of the player is to pilfer the forks and knives, Franklin believes without Forks and Knives the villagers can't serve him for dinner.
When you do retrieve the forks and knives Franklin will give you a piece of Harvest Furniture.

It took a while to find Franklin but I did manage to find him in the GC version. I completed the whole Harvest Furniture set and I got the cornucopia from Tortimer the mayor.

Tomorrow is Sale Day in Animal Crossing and next month December I will post of Toy Day (December 23) and Christmas Eve (December 24) with Jingle. I'll probably have to forward the time to 8pm to play like I did with the Harvest Festival, I might be spending Christmas Eve with some family members

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Today in Pringles Winnie moved away and Penny moves in to stay

I started my game late tonight and received a letter from Winnie. She has moved from Pringles to greener pastures I guess....

I checked my map and a new resident moved in the same day, Penny who is a mouse. I had trouble finding her at first as she wasn't in her house. She seems friendly.

Now my villagers are currently Liz, Sandy, Pecan, Pango, Hector, Snooty, Hank, Dizzy, Gaston, Olivia, Savannah, Chief, Elmer, Bluebear and Penny

Former Villagers were; Louie, Vesta, Winnie and Rollo

Yesterday Crazy Red came to my town and I purchased a NES game from him and a Japanese statue. He's supposed to come on Sale Day, So I'm hoping he'll bring more NES games with him.

Thanksgiving which is called the Harvest Festival in Animal Crossing will be coming up in 5 days. I'm going to time cheat early because I will be unavailable to play until late at night. I'm spending the holiday visiting my aunt and uncle.

I also received a new song from K.K. Slider. He's a pretty cool dog!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Happy Birthday in Animal Crossing Gamecube

Today was my birthday in Animal Crossing, I was unable to play my New Leaf game due to my 3DS being broken so I played my Gamecube Animal Crossing instead.

I started my game at 9:30 AM and expected one of the animals who is logging me in to remember my birthday, not a word. However as I exited out of my house, Hank one of my close friends came up to me and gave me a present while wishing me a happy birthday. I opened this present and it was a Donkey Kong NES game. I then checked my mailbox which was stuffed full of letters, most of my animal neighbors sent me birthday greetings and they gave me presents. The presents consisted of shirts, furniture and some umbrellas. I also received a birthday cake from my virtual game mom.

I only played for like an hour in the morning and talked to Savannah, she didn't say Happy Birthday or anything. I also talked to Hank, Pango and Pecan no birthday greetings. Hank gets a pardon because he was the one who gave me the NES game and did wish me a happy birthday.

I sold the junky presents to Tom Nook, I kept the NES game and the birthday cake, currently they are in my house. I had no need for umbrellas clothes and useless furniture. It snowed today in Pringles

I played tonight for an hour and scanned the mailbox for more gifts, not any I could find.

Now we have almost a week till the Harvest Festival, I'm stoked for that

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Got a new fruit and a song by K.K. Slider

I played Animal Crossing yesterday and got a surprise present from Snooty a peach, I had to pay 170 bells but It was worth getting that fruit. Now I only need apples, I have oranges, pears, cherries and peaches. When I create my next town I'll keep my fingers cross for apples.

I talked to K.K. Slider on Saturday night and he played K.K. Reggie for me.

Current villagers I have are Elmer, Liz, Pango, Pecan, Gaston, Hector, Winnie, Hank, Snooty, Dizzy, Bluebear Olivia, Savannah Chief and Sandy

Past Villagers I had were Vesta, Louie and Rollo

As my villagers move out, I'll keep track of who stays and who goes.

I'll also post of my birthday and what I did that day. The Harvest Festival is now two weeks away

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Got a new neighbor in Pringles, donated a dinosaur track

I was unable to play Animal Crossing until last night, so I checked out my new neighbor, my new neighbor in Pringles is Elmer and he is a horse. They had posted on the bulletin board about the harvest festival. I donated a dinosaur track to the museum. Olivia offered to give me 512 bells if I could guess a correct answer to a question.

She didn't give me the money but she did laugh at her own joke. Also Hank was hinting about me visiting another town.

Since the Harvest Festival is in two weeks, I'm looking forward to that, It's also four days till my birthday so I've been trying to get close friendships with most of my animal neighbors.

I visited the Animal Crossing Blog and asked a question about Jingle giving a NES Game, the guy told me Jingle is supposed to give you one whether you talk to him or not. I'm thinking you have to log on Christmas morning but I dunno.

Oh well, Animal Crossing is a interesting game

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Little Drummer Boy Book II Review

Like the Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Little Drummer Boy Book 2 is another underrated Christmas Specials. It has it's flaws but it also is cute and is a sequel to the original Drummer Boy movie.

I prefer this one pretty much than the first because they have different voice actors voicing the king. In the original Little Drummer Boy, Paul Frees (a famous voice actor) voiced all three kings, Ali Ben Haramed's sidekick and Aaron's father

The film starts out with the Narrator voice by Greer Garson, The Little Drummer Boy named Aaron is approached by one of the kings who explains he has to travel to Jerusalem to seek out the bell ringer Simeon and tell him the news of the coming of a king. It is revealed Simeon made some bells out of silver just for that occasion.

Unfortunately Simeon looses the bells when the Roman soldiers arrive to collect his taxes. The leader Brutus takes the bells and leaves Simeon distraught.

Aaron and Casper arrive at Simeon's house and learn the bells have been stolen. They go out to search for it and stumble onto Brutus camp, Aaron tells Simeon and Casper he will go and distract the soldiers while his animal friends carry off the bells. After a hilarious song Money and then the reprise Brutus tells his henchman to start a fire and get the bells melted. The wood is all wet so Brutus takes Aaron's drum and two sticks and starts a fire with that.

If you didn't watch the original, Aaron's father and mother gave him that drum as a birthday present (it's thru a flashback) before they were killed by bandits who stole the family sheep. While Aaron weeps over the drum, Aaron's animal friends sneak into the camp and steal the bells back.

Of course Brutus finds out, but by then Aaron and the animals have escaped. The good guys hide the bells in sand dunes so the Roman soldiers can't find the bells. Later back in Jerusalem Simeon rings his bells and a song plays Do You Hear What I Hear. Aaron is gifted with another drum, which he uses to play with Simeon following him back to Bethlehem and he plays his drum to the baby Jesus.

Like the former, this is almost rarely played during the Christmas season, It's pretty sad they choose the original version compared to this. Whatever though. It's not my problem.

Check this classic out, it's on DVD on the Rankin Bass Holiday Favorites DVD with Pinocchio's Christmas, Leprechaun's Christmas Gold and The Stingiest Man In Town all three I will be reviewing this December

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Life and Adventures Of Santa Claus (1985) Rankin Bass Christmas Special Review

I'm going to post this earlier, First off this is an underrated Christmas Special which I prefer than the 2000 cartoon version. I understand a lot of people will disagree with my review, because Its the only version I like, I do not like the animated version at all, while the animated one is good, I personally hate it because it has nothing to do with Rankin Bass. I also hate the songs and the characters look awful

The Rankin Bass special however is timeless, the puppets and scenes are awesome, the villains look realistic and the songs are good, not bad but alright. I grew up watching Rankin Bass Christmas Specials every Christmas Season, some of the specials I watched was The Little Drummer Boy, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town and The Year Without A Santa Claus, I remember watching ABC Family's 25 days of Christmas and The Life and Adventures Of Santa Claus would pop on along with The Little Drummer Boy Book II, Pinocchio's Christmas, The First Christmas Snow and Leprechaun's Christmas Gold, the latter three were rarely aired on television.

We start out this special with a meeting in the Forest of Bursie, Great Ak tells the story of Santa Claus in front of a council. Apparently Santa Claus was discovered as a baby by Ak; He was abandoned in the snowy woods, on a winter day. Ak takes the baby to a lioness name Sheegra to raise, a fairy named Neceile hears about the baby and steals it. Necille goes to Ak who allows the immortal fairy to raise the child. Necille names the boy Claus. Claus grows up in the forest and as a young man Ak takes him around the world and shows him what humans are truly like

After witnessing child abuse, poverty and starvation as well as war,(Really dark stuff right?) Claus decides to live among the humans and become a toy maker, so he and Tingler (I forget what he is an elf) move into a village not far from the forest. Claus one day makes toy cats for some orphans, and that inspires him to give gifts of toys to children.

Unfortunally some villains called the Awguas, hideous looking monsters inhabit the valley, they steal his toy goods and wreak his attempts to getting the toys to the children, After a magnificent fight with a huge awesome dragon, the bad guys are defeated Claus gets his toys back and the children get their toys.

Immortals vs Villains

As the years pass, Claus gets older and decides to just give the toys on Christmas Eve, So he continues to this day giving toys to children. Ak finishes the story with a request of granting Claus immortality the gods agree, and Claus becomes immortal to continue his job working with children. Necille kisses him and Claus awakens as a new man.

Overall like I said in the Beginning this special is underrated and quite forgettable, I can understand why, It's from the eighties folks and this is probably the least popular Rankin Bass Special. However despite its flaws like cheap scenery and outdated stop motion. It's a favorite special of mine and I really appreciate it. Too bad Freeform or whatever ABC Family turned into doesn't appreciate it. 

It rarely airs on the network. Thank god for DVDS LOL :)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Rollo moves out, errands day in Pringles

So I started up the game today only to receive a farewell letter in my mailbox from Rollo, He said it pains him to leave but he had to go to greener pastures.

I played for twenty minutes today and helped my animal neighbors out, Snooty needed me to retrieve her handkerchief from Liz and Hank wanted me to get his Gameboy from Sandy. I also caught a fish for Dizzy, helped deliver clothes to Bluebear and planted flowers near Snooty and Gaston's house.

I don't know who will move in today or tomorrow, but I will update on that shortly.

Speaking of which, The Harvest Festival is only two weeks away and I cannot wait because I want to play and get all the harvest furniture.

On the other hand, I don't know about Jingle giving an NES game on Christmas. I watched a youtube video that a guy played Animal Crossing on Christmas and he didn't get Balloon fight. I asked an Animal Crossing gamecube blog about that so hopefully they can answer my question.

I'll update my progress tonight or tomorrow morning

Friday, November 3, 2017

My Gamecube Animal Crossing Town

As I've said before my Gamecube animal crossing town's name is Pringles, You also get your own island in the GC but you need to get a GBA Cable and a Gameboy Advance to connect to the island. I am planning on getting a GBA cable for Christmas with another memory card.

The villagers who live in Pringles are currently Hank, Dizzy, Gaston, Chief, Hector, Liz, Rollo, Pecan, Pango, Snooty, Winnie, Savannah, Sandy, Olivia and Bluebear. The Villagers who lived in my town and have since moved are Louie and Vesta.

My town fruit is oranges, but I got pears from Rollo and my virtual game Mom sent me a cherry a month ago so I planted them in different places. I just need apples and peaches and I'm thinking about creating a new town for that on a separate memory card.

One thing I like about this GC animal crossing game is you can have as many towns as you want with unlimited memory cards, unlike later games which require you to buy another game just to have a second town. It's very nice, The Game Cube AC also has large acreage unlike later games where you are confined to a town plot. I also prefer the Harvest Festival to Gamecube rather than City Folk and New Leaf, Franklin is much easier to find here and he sounds like he has a high voice rather than the deep voice he has in New Leaf and City Folk.

While Halloween is the hardest of all in GC out of the three Animal Crossing games, I still prefer the Gamecube version, I hated how New Leaf just lets you buy the furniture from Nook's store. I'd rather just go out with candy and work for it. City Folk also took the fun out of dealing with angry candy craving villagers.

I also like Christmas Eve in the Gamecube version as well, I like it's separate from Toy Day and how you have to find Jingle five times before you get an item and then you have to spend a couple of hours changing your clothes and trying to find him again and again for Jingle furniture.

Other Holidays I should mention are the Fireworks show which is the 4th of July, I really liked seeing the fireworks from the lake and getting pinwheels and balloons and fans from Redd (the fox) I also like the Cherry Blossom Festival, where the animal villagers get drunk, The Spring and Fall Sports Fairs, Morning Aerobics, and Valentine's Day. It's interesting that on Groundhog's Day Resetti will appear and predict the weather in the GC. One other holiday I like in the Gamecube version is the Koinbori it's not really a holiday but it's a reference to a Japanese holiday in Japan where children hang fish flags outside. It's really neat to see.

New Years Eve is also a huge holiday in Animal Crossing after the countdown and fireworks go off, If you leave the New Years party area the melody of Auld Lang Syne can be heard in the background. It is really awesome if you ask me. There is also Sales Day which is like Black Friday in Animal Crossing if you buy a goodie bag you can get a pinwheel, furniture wallpaper and or a carpet.

Overall it's not a bad game, It has its flaws but I have a soft spot for Animal Crossing Gamecube, It was something I grew up with

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Animal Crossing GameCube

For the past month, I pulled out my old Wii and purchased some gamecube games on Ebay, My brother bought me Animal Crossing GC, a Wii remote, Pikmin, and a GC controller.

I bought Chibi Robo and Super Smash Bros Meelee for the gamecube.

Animal Crossing is my favorite Nintendo video game besides Chibi Robo, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart, Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion

On September 27, I created a new Animal Crossing town called Pringles. It's been a month since I've lived in Pringles and I am extremely excited on celebrating different holidays like Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth Of July, Valentine's Day, etc. On your birthday an animal villager will give you a NES game for being close friends with them.

I celebrated Halloween in Animal Crossing and had a rough night, 125 kids rang my doorbell and I ran out of candy so we had to turn off the lights. I played Animal Crossing for two hours and only got seven pieces of Spooky Furniture from Jack. Unlike later games, the GC Animal Crossing animals are vicious. They will charge at you and hound you down for candy. I found Jack (The pumpkin head guy) 9 times that night and he gave me the same piece of furniture twice in exchange for candy.

I went to bed with a migraine and suffered with it for a day

My birthday is in two weeks so I'm hoping for good fortune being friends with all the animals, Gaston talked to me today and said he was thinking of moving, I hope he doesn't move, I can't prevent them from moving, This isn't new leaf

The next holidays I am preparing for are The Harvest Festival (Thanksgiving) and Christmas Eve which in later games is Toy Day. The gamecube Animal Crossing had Toy Day separate from Christmas Eve which has Jingle arrive.

It's going to be hard to play Christmas Eve and also Harvest Festival. I'll probably have to change the time earlier in both days

My next post will be about my town and the villagers

Friday, June 16, 2017

Adopting Vs Buying Guinea Pigs

 Ordinary I never post things like this but it was not too long ago I stumbled across a blog that encouraged people to adopt guinea pigs instead of buying them. I agree 100% on the articles point of view but I encourage people to make their own decisions on where they purchase their pets

Please keep in mind all below are just my opinions, and I felt of dispelling some harmful myths of the pet store buying vs adopting

1.) Pet stores are bad, employees don't know much and they abuse animals. This is probably 98% true to most cases however keep in mind not all pet stores are abusive neglecting places. I've been to some fabulous pet stores including Petsmarts and Petcos where the employees or workers are knowledgeable about their animals and they are taken care of. I've also been to some awful pet stores  most mom and pop that the animals looked neglected.

2.) Boycott all pet stores, if you don't buy from them they will go out of business. Yeah right, first off chain pet stores aren't going anywhere, neither are mom and pop pet stores, There will always be people who buy animals from pet stores.

3.) Pet stores such as chain stores get their animals from mills, that is true, to be fair though I don't think we should bash pet stores for getting their animals from mills. Don't get me wrong mills of any kind of animal are horrific, but blame the corporations, they are the ones who only care about money or profits.

4.) Adopting is the only option, While i admire the #AdoptDon'tShop# hashtag and I agree adoption is great to give guinea pigs or any animal a home, I really think people should try to adopt first and if you can't purchasing a guinea pig from a pet store is ok too. Not everyone has a animal shelter or rescue in their area or wants to drive three hours or more to pick up a pet. I totally understand the point of adopting, animals need homes and there's nothing wrong with that. But a pet store animal needs a home too.

Overall if you are looking into purchasing or adopting a pet, please try to find a rescue or shelter in your area. There are so many animals who need homes and also you could meet your best friend for life there. If you can't and your only option is a pet store then go for it, Animals in pet stores deserve homes as much as the shelter animals. Just make sure to check the animals health before purchasing them.

I'm planning on getting two guinea pigs from Petsmart because I don't have the option of adoption. But no matter where you get your friend,  give them love!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Bugaloos Boardgame

I stumbled across this on Esty a few months ago, Apparently it's a Australian version of The Bugaloos board game

It's very different compared to the US version, in the US version the dice is red and the game pieces are like the board game Sorry game pieces

The Australian version has a different shape game pieces and the dice is green

Interesting find for Bugaloos fans