Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Happy Birthday in Animal Crossing Gamecube

Today was my birthday in Animal Crossing, I was unable to play my New Leaf game due to my 3DS being broken so I played my Gamecube Animal Crossing instead.

I started my game at 9:30 AM and expected one of the animals who is logging me in to remember my birthday, not a word. However as I exited out of my house, Hank one of my close friends came up to me and gave me a present while wishing me a happy birthday. I opened this present and it was a Donkey Kong NES game. I then checked my mailbox which was stuffed full of letters, most of my animal neighbors sent me birthday greetings and they gave me presents. The presents consisted of shirts, furniture and some umbrellas. I also received a birthday cake from my virtual game mom.

I only played for like an hour in the morning and talked to Savannah, she didn't say Happy Birthday or anything. I also talked to Hank, Pango and Pecan no birthday greetings. Hank gets a pardon because he was the one who gave me the NES game and did wish me a happy birthday.

I sold the junky presents to Tom Nook, I kept the NES game and the birthday cake, currently they are in my house. I had no need for umbrellas clothes and useless furniture. It snowed today in Pringles

I played tonight for an hour and scanned the mailbox for more gifts, not any I could find.

Now we have almost a week till the Harvest Festival, I'm stoked for that

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