Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hamster Bedding

              Top Hamster Bedding


    Carefresh Ultra- This is great as a bedding for your hamster. It is rocky like Mars but then it's a little dusty and I don't care that much. It does absorb and it smells decent, I mean at least it absorbs the bedding and hardly smells. Carefresh Ultra has to be changed every 4-5 days because of the urine smell. other than that I highly recommend this product


Kaytee Clean and Cozy- This is great for nesting material and bedding. It's soft and fluffy and does absorb better than Carefresh. However the cons are that the bedding gets wet and it stinks more than Carefresh. Kaytee Clean and Cozy also has to be changed every three days because of the bedding. It is cheep at Target for 8 bucks. You can also buy this at Petsmart and Petco and other local pet stores.

Carefresh Natural- This is the great bedding and it absorbs like ultra. It also has oder control. The only reason I don't like Carefresh Natural is that it's rocky and hard. My hamster likes soft bedding. Anyways I recommend this product. You can get this at Petsmart, Petco and local pet stores.

Carefresh Colors- I like the bedding colors and it does absorb the order well. This is a great bedding if you want a colorful Carefresh bedding. You can buy this at Petsmart, Petco and or your local pet store. the prices range from 8.99-26 bucks for a bag. 10 liters, 23 liters and 50 liters Highly recommend this product

  So over all Carefresh Colors Natural and Ultra are great bedding materials and I really recommend them for bedding use only. However Kaytee Clean and Cozy are great for both bedding and nesting material. I recommend both of these products.

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