Friday, September 19, 2014

My 12 pets that I currently have

I currently have

4 hamsters, 3 dwarf named Sparky Biscuit and Tiny (2 cam bell russian dwarf hamsters, and a robo) 1 syrian named Emily

2 hermit crabs purple pinchers (Mr Krabs and Kermit The Hermit)

1 anole lizard named Lizzy

1 red eared slider named Myrtle

a tarantula named Cuddles

2 cats

a dog

and 12 goldfish

That is all the pets i own thanks for reading

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pets I want to own that are exotic or cool

                                            Exotic Pets

1.) Anole Lizard

Description: They are easy to care for and require a 10 to 20 gallon tank with lots of plants and hiding places

2.) Hermit Crabs

Description: Hermit Crabs are pretty difficult to care for as they require fresh food and humidity. They also need medium temperature

3.) Goldfish Pond

Goldfish are easy

4.) Tarantula

they're easy and cool

5.) Parrots

Parrots are cool

6.) Parakeets

Parakeets are cool

7.) Canaries

Canaries are easy and cute

8.) Hamsters

I own a hamster and he is the sweetest hamster in the world

9.) Mice

My cousin used to own a mice and they were super sweet and nice

10.) Corn Snake

Corn snakes make great pets for beginners

11.) Turtles

Turtles are great pets if you want to own a cool pet

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Groovy Ghost

Groovy Ghost
By: Jo Ann/Courage/Seiko/Miko/Melvin/Reiko

It was a fine day near the end of September. Fall colors were everywhere, and red, gold, and brown leaves covered the ground. There was a chill in the air as the warm weather of Spring and Summer gave way to the cooler times of Autumn.

The Bugaloos were in Rock City that day, visiting their friend, Peter Platter, at KOOK Radio.

"Hey, Bugs!" the round-eyed deejay greeted them with a grin. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

"Just visiting," Joy smiled at Peter. She stood next to I.Q. Behind them was Courage and Seiko. Bringing up the rear was Harmony, who moved around to the other side of Peter's window.

"Well, it's groovy having you here," the deejay replied. "Have you checked out the latest news yet?"

"No," I.Q. replied. "What's the latest?"

"Well, do you know that creepy, old house at the end of Crow Street? The one that no one owns anymore?"

"Yes," the blonde Bugaloo replied. "The city owns it now, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. Well, the city plans to make it into a youth center. But they need to raise money to fix it up, and raising the bread for that pad is mucho hardo!"

"Why don't we put on a benifit concert?" Joy asked. The pretty girl Bugaloo looked at her bandmates. "And since it'll be Halloween soon, why don't we make it a Halloween party. We can have it at the old house, and dress up for Halloween. We can charge admission or just ask for donations."

"Heyyyyy!" Peter grinned. "Not a bad idea! And yours truely can broadcast the festivities to all of Rock City!"

"We'll 'ave to get permission from the mayor to 'ave the benifit, but there's no reason they wouldn't allow it," Harmony said.

"Then let's get over to City Hall," I.Q. replied. "We'll need to apply for permission right away."

"Yes," Joy agreed. "It was nice seeing you, Peter."

"Same to ya, doll!" Peter grinned. The Bugaloos said "so long" to their friend, and headed over to Rock City Hall.

Just around the corner, listening in, was Funky Rat. Funky was Benita Bizzare's stooge. Before the coming of Melvin, Benita's nephew, he was Benita's head stooge. Her "Top Rat", as it were. Right now, though, he seemed very interested in the previous conversation.

"Da Bugaloos are goink to give a Halloween concert?" Funky said to himself in his German accent. "I must tell Mein Gorgeous Leader!" With that, he quickly made his way through town and toward Benita's penthouse.


Benita's penthouse looked like a large, gaudy jukebox. A funny-looking giant peacock stood guard. Wasting no time, Funky slipped an oversized coin into the coin slot --no mean feat, since the slot was over twenty feet above him-- and entered the large building.

If the penthouse was gaudy on the outside, it was even more so on the inside. Colors clashed everywhere, and a giant turntable spun equally giant records. Two odd-looking robots were dusting everything.

Lounging on a divan, just as guady as her house, was Benita Bizzare, herself. She had seen younger days, but still insisted on dressing in loud colors and sparkling sequins. Her voice had seen better days, as well. Where once she had one of the most beautiful voices ever heard, the singing voice she had now could not charm a hummingbird. That did not stop Benita from attempting to sing rock.

Nearby was Melvin Bizzare, who --by some strange coinidence-- was a twin to Courage. The only difference was that his shirt was purple, as was the tops of his antentte, where on Courage, it was red. Next to Melvin was Reiko, Seiko's cousin. Melvin and Reiko constantly tried to keep the peace between Benita and the Bugaloos, attempting to keep Benita and her cronies out of trouble.

This was how Funky found them. He entered breathlessly, stammering out his news.

"A Halloween party?" Benita questioned. "At that old house?" Funky nodded. "Well, why didn't we get invited?"

"It sounds like you don't need an invitation, Aunt Benita," Melvin replied. "There may either be an admission price, or donations will be collected. Either way, it's for turning the old house into a youth center."

"Well, I gonna be the headliner at that concert! Let's go see Peter Platter!" She rose from the divan and stomped out, followed by Melvin, Reiko, Funky, Woofer, and Tweeter.

End of first chapter. I have ideas on what the Bugaloos are going to wear to the concert. Any ideas for anyone else?

Chapter 2

The Bugaloos easily got permission to hold the Halloween concert/party at the old house. The mayor was happy to allow the teenagers the run of the place for the purpose of raising money for the youth center. Now, the band had to plan the party: What decorations to have, what costumes to wear, what foods to serve, what songs to play, etc.

Each knew what disguise they were going to wear, but did not tell the others. They all wanted the costumes to be a surprise. I.Q. took a day or two to organize everything, confering with Harmony, who made suggestions. Courage, Joy, Seiko, and Sparky were searching through books borrowed from the Rock City Library for decoration and refreshment ideas. Banners would be a good idea, as would anything spooky. Nothing two scary, of course. Maybe some plastic spiders on cobwebs and rubber bats and cats in stratigic places. Pumpkins and Jack O' Lanterns were also a good idea. They were a little wary of witches --after all,Benita Bizzare was a witch-- but the image of a witch on her broomstick, riding across the moon, was a widely recognized symbol of Halloween, so at least one would be included, somewhere.

Food could easily be prepared. The Bugaloos lived in an all-natural enviroment, so the refreshments would be all-natural, as well. Many of the treats could be made with fruits, nuts, and sweets the Bugaloos found in Tranquility Forest every day. Of course, the food would have to be prepared on the day of the party, but the house was sure to have a kitchen, so that would be no problem. After they cleaned it up, of course.

Most of the house would have to be cleaned up, so that was the first piece of work the Bugaloos would have to do. They would have to decide which rooms to clean up for the party --they would not need to cleanthe whole house-- and which rooms could be left as is. The rest of the house could be cleaned up later.

So, one day, the Bugaloos got dressed in work clothes, packed up all their cleaning supplies, and hopped aboard their car, the Bugaloo Buggy. The clean-air car headed toward the old mansion.

They began to have second thoughts about the party when they saw the house. It was dark, and many of the window panes were either broken or missing. Dirt and cobwebs were everywhere. Pieces of wood were hanging by a sliver or a rusted hinge, ready to fall almost at any time.

"I don't like this..." Joy shivered. She hugged herself her gaze darted back and forth over the nearly-delapated building.

"Don't worry," Courage grinned. Nothing scared him. Well, he could be scared, but he never let fear overcome him. Should anything happen, he would be the last to leave, prefering to face the danger rather than run from it. Course, he was not foolish, either. If the danger was something he knew he could not handle, Courage would follow the others, making sure that no one was in trouble.

"It looks perfect for the party, mates," Harmony added. I.Q. reached for the doorknob. It was covered with dirt and dust, and the grime came off on his hand. He managed to turn the knob and open the door, though.


The sound startled them, and the Bugaloos whirled around, looking for the source. As soon as he saw it, I.Q. breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was just a piece of wood," he said. "Probibly falling from somewhere around the corner. Let's go in." He entered the house, while the others following right behind.

Next chapter: The Bugaloos begin to clean the rooms they are going to use. And their unseen helper joins them!

To bad I can't edit my posts on this board. I have to go somewhere, and would have liked to have been able to add to this chapter. So some of the chapters will have to be short, sometimes.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Bugaloos at The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade??


     Here is a Bugaloos picture from 1970, At The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade???! With Caroline Ellis as Joy, John Philpott as Courage, Wayne Laryea as Harmony, and John Mcindoe as IQ
In the front, Caroline Ellis, on the driver's seat John Philpott and in the back Wayne Laryea and John Mcindoe. Such a great photo!!. 

Special Thanks for Sid and Marty Krofft Facebook fan page for the cool find! 

Please visit,

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bugaloos Art Drawing/Sketch

Hello, If anyone wants to post this on their website you have my permission! I hope everyone likes my drawing

I made this logo out of Sketch pencils and some colored pencils I am planning on making another Bugaloos sketch logo with pastels

Enjoy everyone

Elizabeth Connell

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dr Pepper Brands

Dr Pepper originally the first soda brand created, It has several knockoffs and is sold everywhere! Dr Pepper is very good and I like the spicy cherry flavor!  Dr Pepper is available at any fast food restaurant except Wendy's and Chipolet or those that sell Mr Pibb

Dr Skipper is the Safeway brand of Dr Pepper, It tastes just like Dr Pepper and it is only sold in Pasadena CA because Dr Skipper got discontinued and replaced by Dr Dynamite. Dr Skipper was a favorite of mine as a child!

Dr Dynamite is the ripoff of Safeway's Dr Skipper. It tastes ok and is literally the cheep version of Dr Skipper. When Dr Skipper got discontinued Dr Dynamite was replaced a few years back and it is seen in almost every Safeway.

Mr Pibb or Pibb Xtra is another favorite soda, I grew up near a local burger joint where Mr Pibb was common so My dad would buy us Mr Pibb. A mexican restaurant  near me calls it Meester Peeb. It was created by Coca Cola to compete against Dr Pepper in 1972 and Dr Pepper sued them because originally the soda was called Peppo. In 1973 Mr Pibb was born. I still call Pibb Xtra Mr Pibb and it tastes just like Dr Pepper. Unfortunately it is only sold if Pepsi sells Dr Pepper then you can find Mr Pibb near the Coke products. You can find it at Lucky, or at fast food restaurants like Wendy's Chipolet

Dr Thunder is another rip off Dr Pepper brand, It tastes too sweet and it doesn't taste that great. You can get it at Walmart cheap.

Dr Perky- Amother knock off brand which is sold at a grocery supermarket. I think Sam's club sells it! Anyway It's gross and has no flavor.

Well this is my review of Dr Pepper Brands thanks for stopping by

Saturday, May 3, 2014


                  Charlotte's Web 1973 Review

Violence- None

Frighting Scenes- A ram tells Wilbur he is going to die, Baby Wilbur about to be killed with an axe, The goose telling Templeton he will die if Wilbur die's. A pig being shoved into a crate

Plot: The movie begins in springtime when John Arable's sow gives birth to a litter of eleven piglets, John discovers there is a runt and decides to kill it to put it out of it's misery. Fern Arable meanwhile finds out what her father intends to do with the runt pig. She pleads on sparing the piglet's life and John agrees and he allows Fern to keep the piglet as a pet.  Fern names the pig Wilbur

Six weeks later John convinces his daughter to sell Wilbur because Wilbur's brothers and sisters were already sold and Wilbur is no longer a baby pig. Fern says goodbye as the young pig is sold across the road to Fern's uncle Zuckerman. Wilbur finds out from a ram he is about to be bacon. He meets a spider named Charlotte who saves him from death

Charlotte dies and although, Wilbur misses her but is happy with her 3 daughters Joy Ariena and Nellie.

Review: Charlotte's Web is a good movie for children and I highly recommend it, The beginning with Fern is exactly like the book and although the cartoon is just like the movie from 2006 I really recommend it.

Great review

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Books I Recommend Reading For Lifetime and Durning the Summer

Books I Recommend Reading for Summer/ Books for reading in a lifetime

Kite Rummer
The Old Willis Place
Where The Red Fern Grows
The Good Earth
Harry Potter
My Brother Sam Is Dead
The Little Prince
Babe The Gallant Pig
Anne Of Green Gables
The Wizard Of Oz
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Indian In The Cupboard
Mary Poppins
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Old Yeller
Savage Sam
Martin's Mice
Series Of Unfortunate Events
Boxcar Children
Ace The Very Important Pig
Pigs Might Fly
The Sign Of The Beaver
The Secret Garden
The Jungle Book
A Christmas Carol
Oliver Twist
The Prince And The Pauper
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Tarzan Of The Apes
Little House On The Prairie
Trumpet Of The Swan
Stuart Little
Charlotte's Web
Summer Of The Monkeys
Sarah Plain And Tall
Where The Wild Things Are
Scary Stories
Goodnight Moon
Go Dog Go
The Yearling
Watership Down
Diary Of Anne Frank
The Giver
The Bible
The Hat
The Phantom Tollbooth
Stega Nona Stories
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Brown Bear
Nancy Drew
Hardy Boys
The Babysitters Club
Chronicles of Narnia
Island Of The Blue Dolphins
The Yearling
James And The Giant Peach
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Tale Of Two Cities
Les Misérables

Monday, March 10, 2014

Top 20 Favorite Disney Movies List

This is my top 20 list of Disney Movies

20.) Peter Pan- Peter Pan is cute and does have an interesting storyline that appeals to young children and adults alike. I really like this movie and the characters are fun but however, there are some drawbacks. The racism in the Native Americans but hey this was created in the 1950's. Over all I highly top this in my perfect 20 reviews.

19.) Pinocchio- Pinocchio was the story about a little wooden puppet who of course dreamed of becoming a real boy. The movie is good and there are some flaws like the word jackass and some traumatizing scene of a boy turning into a donkey on pleasure island. The story though is classic and has good teaching morals that should be respected. The movie Pinocchio deserves to be on my top 20 list even though it is the least favorite.

18.) Alice in Wonderland- No this is not the horrible Tim Burton one, This is the classic 1950 one that i favored as a child, I really do recommend this movie because it has a fantasyland to it. Alice in Wonderland is cute clever and is charming; My favorite scene has to be the tea party scene and It's a bomb. Over all I added this in my top 20 list because it is a classic and it's great with children and adults.

17.) Snow White and The Seven Dwarves- This is disney's first film and I had to add it on this list. The movie's good and it appeals for children. I liked the plot and it revolves around the fairytale i grew up with. Some terrifying good scenes in this movie include Snow White in the dark forest and The evil Queen transformation into an old hag. This film though is another classic so i will definitely add this one on my list.

16.) Treasure Planet- This movie is more recent but I do like the plot and the characters. The effects are great and it makes this movie look science fiction. I also like the aliens and how they incorporated the book Treasure Island into this movie so overall I put this on my top list.

15.) Sleeping Beauty- Although this movie was ok, i really liked Maleficent and the Good Fairies. The plot is somewhat original to the fairy tale. But Maleficent sheds her power on this movie thus i grant this on my perfect 20 Disney movie. I also liked the plot and the characters are decent especially King Stefan. Though my favorite scene would be the drunk guy drinking with the kings.

  14.) The Princess And The Frog- The movie is fantastic and original, Having come out 5 years ago and I also liked the villain. He isn't naive but a very clever guy who likes scamming people into signing contacts. Anyways I rate this movie in my top 20 list. The music is fun too and it's great to see different ethnicities too. The movie is to see with children and adults

13.) Dumbo- Dumbo is a circus elephant that is separated from his anger management mother and is ridiculed for having big ears. I like this movie seeing some similarities with both me and Dumbo having grown up bullied, Dumbo is a charming movie that teaches us that it's not what's on the outside that counts but what is in the heart. Being kind to people different than us was I think what this movie taught me, Anyways I highly recommend this movie on my top 20 list

12.)  Cinderella-Growing up Cinderella was my favorite disney princesses, and it is one of my favorite movies as well. Cinderella was all that i partially was kind caring and best of all loved all animals including mice. Cinderella is charming classic film that has all sorts of colorful characters and the villain Cinderella's stepmother is very fantastic as well as her cold and cruel self. Over all I add this classic movie to my list as it is good for both kids and adults alike.

11.) The Little Mermaid- The Little Mermaid was a good film I watched as a kid and I frankly remember the crash the wedding scene, Yes it does have some flaws but this golden time deserved number 11 on my top 20 list. The Little Mermaid is clean fun and Ariel is caring. Ursula is a drama queen but that what makes a great villain so i add this to my list for both children and adults.

10.) The Emperor's New Groove- i remember this movie came out in 2000 and looking at it The only characters i liked was Ysma and Kronk. Anyways yes the movie is cheesy and isn't one of Disney's best. But I do like the plot and this is what makes a film timeless so this film i rate as number 10

9.) Lilo and Stitch- I also liked this movie because it is fun and cute, It is a little ugly duckling story that tells everyone that you should just be yourself and try to find a place in this world. The movie is cool as well as special effects. Over all i rate this as 9 because of the demographics.

8.) Tangled- Having watched Tangled once I can say this is a great disney film. It's cute the characters are funny and Mother Gothel is a great villain. I rate this as number 8 because of the cool scenes and character such as Rapunzel. Anyways the plot is great and this is what makes a film close. For children and adults i'd defiantly recommend this film.

7.) Hunchback of Notre Dame- A great movie and the characters are lifelike. I liked the characters like quasimodo and Frollo was a great villain. The songs are epic like Bells of Notre Dame and Hellfire. This disney movie is a classic and I do rate this as number 7 for my top list of children Disney movies. this movie is great and is my favorite movie.

6.) Aladdin- Aladdin would be the number 6 of my top disney movies- The movie is good and the genie is the only funny character. Jafar is a good villain and I wonder if they incorporated some of the Hunchback Of Notre Dame into this movie. But over all this is a classic for children to enjoy. so I rate this as number 6

5.) Hercules- Hercules was the greek story about the god Hercules who as an infant is kidnapped and turned into a mortal human. He was found and raised by a mortal couple and pretty much grows up different. Hercules is a pretty good storyline and the villain Hades is to die for. The songs in the movie are great as well and I also liked how they added a little greek mythology into the Disney version

4.) Number 4 would have to be Lady and the Tramp, This movie is also one of my favorites, Basically this gives the plot of what a dog life and how they view humans etc. Lady is one of the main  characters and you can pretty much feel sorry for her, With sudden changes like a new baby, her owners going on a trip and an evil witch moving with evil cats. Tramp is great as well with all the life he deals with. So yes I rate this movie as number 4 because it does charm both adults and children and the songs are great.

3.) The Lion King- The Lion King has to be on my top ultra most list of favorite Disney movies. The plot is brilliant and is somewhat like Shakespeare's Hamlet. The villain Scar is cold and cruel and just brilliant. I also like how they added this in Africa and that the songs are great as well. For those who want to see a great and fantastic movie The Lion King is the number 3 of my list

2.)Beauty and the Beast- Like the other movies, Beauty and The Beast is one of my favorite movies. The story is great the characters are amazing and Gaston is a great antagonist villain. It is one movie I shall never forget and it does carry a great message beauty is not on the outside but in. The songs are fantastic as well like be our guest and all others. so I rate this movie number 2.

1.) Frozen- I have to admit I didn't think of Frozen as my number 1 choice The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast and Hunchback were almost close but Frozen hits me because of a twist Disney did the villain Hans which is named for Hans Christian Anderson the author of The Snow Queen this movie is based on. Anyways this movie gave quite a shock impression when Hans reveals to be a cold cruel villain. I will admit the scene where he reveals his true nature to Anna is very intense and quite a shock. Anyways because i really really like this movie Frozen will be my number 1 movie. The songs are great the storyline is perfect and the characters pretty much show you that falling in love with some one you just met doesn't end always well. I like the theme it was pointing out as well and this is a great movie with children and adults alike

Well Although I love all the disney movies above none can never take my place as Frozen can. Thanks for reading and please comment below and tell me your favorite disney movie

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hamster Bedding

              Top Hamster Bedding


    Carefresh Ultra- This is great as a bedding for your hamster. It is rocky like Mars but then it's a little dusty and I don't care that much. It does absorb and it smells decent, I mean at least it absorbs the bedding and hardly smells. Carefresh Ultra has to be changed every 4-5 days because of the urine smell. other than that I highly recommend this product


Kaytee Clean and Cozy- This is great for nesting material and bedding. It's soft and fluffy and does absorb better than Carefresh. However the cons are that the bedding gets wet and it stinks more than Carefresh. Kaytee Clean and Cozy also has to be changed every three days because of the bedding. It is cheep at Target for 8 bucks. You can also buy this at Petsmart and Petco and other local pet stores.

Carefresh Natural- This is the great bedding and it absorbs like ultra. It also has oder control. The only reason I don't like Carefresh Natural is that it's rocky and hard. My hamster likes soft bedding. Anyways I recommend this product. You can get this at Petsmart, Petco and local pet stores.

Carefresh Colors- I like the bedding colors and it does absorb the order well. This is a great bedding if you want a colorful Carefresh bedding. You can buy this at Petsmart, Petco and or your local pet store. the prices range from 8.99-26 bucks for a bag. 10 liters, 23 liters and 50 liters Highly recommend this product

  So over all Carefresh Colors Natural and Ultra are great bedding materials and I really recommend them for bedding use only. However Kaytee Clean and Cozy are great for both bedding and nesting material. I recommend both of these products.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hamster Toys I recommend

   Hi all, I'm going to show you guys a list of my favorite hamster toys and chews

1.) The wheel- You need a wheel that is plastic as wire wheels give bumble feet, I highly recommend a very big 7 inch - 11 inch wheel for a syrian hamster and a 5 inch for a dwarf hamster.

2.) The Ball-  Like the wheel the ball is something I highly recommend using. You can take the hamster out and let it run around the house. Only keep the hamster in the ball for a half an hour each day due to lack of ventilation.

3.) Cheesie Chews- Hamsters will love or hate these chew treats. They will eater eat it or leave it. I do highly recommend this product because Hamsters do love Cheesie Chews and they can be found at
Petco and I think Petsmart and some Walmarts sell them too.

4.) Bag O Chews- This is another chew toy I recommend for hamster owners. You can also rub peanut butter on the chews and the hamster will love them. It all depends on the hamster so I strongly suggest everyone try this product out. This be can purchased at Petsmart and your local pet store.

5.) Willow ball- Hamster love chewing on these and sleeping on them

6.) Petco loofa fruit and vegetable chews- these are cool and come in different fruits and veggies I highly recommend these for any hamster owner.

7.) Ladders- Bird ladders wooden or plastic make excellent choices for hamsters to climb on. I really suggest giving it a try

8.) Plastic tunnels and tubes- These I do recommend for playtime or for the cage, However they can be small for syrians and too big for dwarf hamsters. They also are hard to clean

9.) Puzzel playground- These fun puzzle playgrounds make perfect toys for hamsters. They are colorful and attractive. However they are plastic are hard to put together and are hard to clean. Though I really don't like the cons I'm just going to say try it out

So this is my list of hamster toys and chews I recommend Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pet Central San Francisco

Pet Central, is a local pet store in San Francisco, CA It is one of the most coolest pet stores i've ever been too. They sell pet supplies for all kinds of pets like dogs, cats, small animals and birds,

They also sell live animals too, like fish lots of different kinds of fish, goldfish, fighting fish, tetras, koi, and some salt water species, They also sell guppies and other tropical fish. They sell birds like canaries, finches parakeets and parrots. they sell reptiles like snakes, lizards and turtles. They also sell small animals like guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice and rabbits. And they sell puppies and kittens too.

The shop is pretty small, I believe it was originally in Chinatown, but they moved to Broadway/ Powell st. Anyways the owner is friendly and helpful.

The animals looked ok to me, but i think they could have had more toys to play with especially the puppies, I didn't plan to buy anything, I just had come to look at the pet store, but  ended up purchasing a hamster bedding, food and toys. The parrot is creepy, It screams Hello, and Pretty Bird and bows if you bow to it! Anyways Pet Central is a good place to purchase supplies and i guess for pets, I would highly recommend this store if you are looking for good pet products,

Here's some pictures of the front of the store and inside

Note- I do not own any of these photos, Photos from Yelp and another website.