Thursday, November 2, 2017

Animal Crossing GameCube

For the past month, I pulled out my old Wii and purchased some gamecube games on Ebay, My brother bought me Animal Crossing GC, a Wii remote, Pikmin, and a GC controller.

I bought Chibi Robo and Super Smash Bros Meelee for the gamecube.

Animal Crossing is my favorite Nintendo video game besides Chibi Robo, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart, Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion

On September 27, I created a new Animal Crossing town called Pringles. It's been a month since I've lived in Pringles and I am extremely excited on celebrating different holidays like Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth Of July, Valentine's Day, etc. On your birthday an animal villager will give you a NES game for being close friends with them.

I celebrated Halloween in Animal Crossing and had a rough night, 125 kids rang my doorbell and I ran out of candy so we had to turn off the lights. I played Animal Crossing for two hours and only got seven pieces of Spooky Furniture from Jack. Unlike later games, the GC Animal Crossing animals are vicious. They will charge at you and hound you down for candy. I found Jack (The pumpkin head guy) 9 times that night and he gave me the same piece of furniture twice in exchange for candy.

I went to bed with a migraine and suffered with it for a day

My birthday is in two weeks so I'm hoping for good fortune being friends with all the animals, Gaston talked to me today and said he was thinking of moving, I hope he doesn't move, I can't prevent them from moving, This isn't new leaf

The next holidays I am preparing for are The Harvest Festival (Thanksgiving) and Christmas Eve which in later games is Toy Day. The gamecube Animal Crossing had Toy Day separate from Christmas Eve which has Jingle arrive.

It's going to be hard to play Christmas Eve and also Harvest Festival. I'll probably have to change the time earlier in both days

My next post will be about my town and the villagers

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