Friday, November 24, 2017

Sale Day in Pringles Animal Crossing

Today was Sale Day which is pretty much Black Friday in Animal Crossing on the fourth Friday of November. I visited Nook's this morning and bought all the goodie bags. In each goodie bag (which depends on the price of what year it is) there are three items, the items are random but they could be clothes, furniture, pinwheels, wallpaper and carpets. I got five pinwheels and the majority of items were clothes furniture wallpapers and carpets.

Crazy Redd made an appearance in my town tonight, I purchased all three items then left the acre. However instead of moving to a different acre it remained in the same position with Red out front. There is a glitch on Sale Day where if you buy all three items from Redd he will close his tent, then if you move a bit farther from his tent, it will vanish and reappear at a different spot with Redd not standing by his tent. He will be elsewhere. When you do find him you talk to him and he will vanish into a sign.

Anyways my third try succeeded in getting the glitch, however I couldn't find Redd anywhere. I ended my day in Pringles. I spent a lot of money today.

I'll play Saturday and get K.K. Slider's song, Sunday is the Fishing Tourney so I will be playing that.

December will be here before we all know it, the next event is Snow Day, followed by Toy Day on December 23. I will be writing throughout the month of December.

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