Friday, November 3, 2017

My Gamecube Animal Crossing Town

As I've said before my Gamecube animal crossing town's name is Pringles, You also get your own island in the GC but you need to get a GBA Cable and a Gameboy Advance to connect to the island. I am planning on getting a GBA cable for Christmas with another memory card.

The villagers who live in Pringles are currently Hank, Dizzy, Gaston, Chief, Hector, Liz, Rollo, Pecan, Pango, Snooty, Winnie, Savannah, Sandy, Olivia and Bluebear. The Villagers who lived in my town and have since moved are Louie and Vesta.

My town fruit is oranges, but I got pears from Rollo and my virtual game Mom sent me a cherry a month ago so I planted them in different places. I just need apples and peaches and I'm thinking about creating a new town for that on a separate memory card.

One thing I like about this GC animal crossing game is you can have as many towns as you want with unlimited memory cards, unlike later games which require you to buy another game just to have a second town. It's very nice, The Game Cube AC also has large acreage unlike later games where you are confined to a town plot. I also prefer the Harvest Festival to Gamecube rather than City Folk and New Leaf, Franklin is much easier to find here and he sounds like he has a high voice rather than the deep voice he has in New Leaf and City Folk.

While Halloween is the hardest of all in GC out of the three Animal Crossing games, I still prefer the Gamecube version, I hated how New Leaf just lets you buy the furniture from Nook's store. I'd rather just go out with candy and work for it. City Folk also took the fun out of dealing with angry candy craving villagers.

I also like Christmas Eve in the Gamecube version as well, I like it's separate from Toy Day and how you have to find Jingle five times before you get an item and then you have to spend a couple of hours changing your clothes and trying to find him again and again for Jingle furniture.

Other Holidays I should mention are the Fireworks show which is the 4th of July, I really liked seeing the fireworks from the lake and getting pinwheels and balloons and fans from Redd (the fox) I also like the Cherry Blossom Festival, where the animal villagers get drunk, The Spring and Fall Sports Fairs, Morning Aerobics, and Valentine's Day. It's interesting that on Groundhog's Day Resetti will appear and predict the weather in the GC. One other holiday I like in the Gamecube version is the Koinbori it's not really a holiday but it's a reference to a Japanese holiday in Japan where children hang fish flags outside. It's really neat to see.

New Years Eve is also a huge holiday in Animal Crossing after the countdown and fireworks go off, If you leave the New Years party area the melody of Auld Lang Syne can be heard in the background. It is really awesome if you ask me. There is also Sales Day which is like Black Friday in Animal Crossing if you buy a goodie bag you can get a pinwheel, furniture wallpaper and or a carpet.

Overall it's not a bad game, It has its flaws but I have a soft spot for Animal Crossing Gamecube, It was something I grew up with

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