Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Rollo moves out, errands day in Pringles

So I started up the game today only to receive a farewell letter in my mailbox from Rollo, He said it pains him to leave but he had to go to greener pastures.

I played for twenty minutes today and helped my animal neighbors out, Snooty needed me to retrieve her handkerchief from Liz and Hank wanted me to get his Gameboy from Sandy. I also caught a fish for Dizzy, helped deliver clothes to Bluebear and planted flowers near Snooty and Gaston's house.

I don't know who will move in today or tomorrow, but I will update on that shortly.

Speaking of which, The Harvest Festival is only two weeks away and I cannot wait because I want to play and get all the harvest furniture.

On the other hand, I don't know about Jingle giving an NES game on Christmas. I watched a youtube video that a guy played Animal Crossing on Christmas and he didn't get Balloon fight. I asked an Animal Crossing gamecube blog about that so hopefully they can answer my question.

I'll update my progress tonight or tomorrow morning

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