Thursday, November 30, 2017

Update in Pringles, Sandy moved away Coco moves in

Today was the raffle so I logged on just for that, Sandy sent me a farewell letter no gift of course and said she was leaving because she wanted to travel more. I pulled weeds and talked to my neighbors. Hank is all ecstatic for Christmas.

I noticed a new neighbor moved into my village, Coco. Coco is a creepy looking bunny. I used up my raffle tickets in the raffle and won a Tennis NES game and a Dracula plant.

I like the raffle because everything is rare to get. You have to buy items at Tom Nook's store and get raffle tickets.

I noticed the grass is browner in the GC game and everything looks dead for winter, well except the fruit trees. But the trees leaves look brown and dull.

Tomorrow is the first of December, which in Animal Crossing is Snow Day.

Since December will be upon us tomorrow. I will be stocking up shirts from Dec 1 - Dec 24 for Jingle. Toy day is 25 days away

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